Everyone wants to live in a pretty house. Or at least most do. But the idea of what's pretty differs across people. My pretty may not be your pretty and so on. Having said that, there are some general aesthetic guidelines to help those who may not be on top of home decor trends or not bothered enough. And that's exactly what my blog is all about. Even though, it's very subjective, I do think that I have a good sense of aesthetics, and many people have vouched for my home decor across all my houses I've lived in.
I don't think home decor is a matter of having the most money or time either. I've already covered home decor ideas for free or on a small budget. In fact, I believe it costs more to go wrong with home decor than have an empty home with little room for error.
So seeing the barrage of home decor ideas that may have been 'on fleek' once, or maybe still are but done badly, I decided to finally call a spade a spade and call these out.
Hate me for saying this, but if your home - rented or owned -- has any of these horrible home decor, it's giving a broke student aesthetic. So brace yourselves as here comes 10 Outdated Home Decor Ideas or Trends that somehow are still ruling most Indian homes and especially bachelor pads.
1. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: String lights

String lights seem to be a bachelor house staple and in fact one of those things that once upon a time even I liked. Heck I thought they were such a nifty and clever creation. Just pop a $1 string light on top of curtains, beds, racks, plants and there you have it, the greatest lighting hack. But now, I can't stand them. I don't think any house looks pretty with string lights, especially when they're a squiggly, tangled mess and not even straightened out or put in any particular order. String lights are great to make a house look festive ON FESTIVALS, but not everyday living. For a more classy and more aesthetic lighting hack, use floor and wall lamps, cove lights and other lights that are more than just the bulbs in them.

Don't get me wrong. I love me a great gallery wall, but by which I mean a gallery wall with a theme, a structure and one wherein every frame is aligned and symmetrical. But the gallery walls I refer to here are the kinds that show no effort but rather a "me too" attempt. Like a gallery wall of paper posters tacked on to the wall with visible tape or frames scattered willy nilly, not in a colour scheme or theme, and/or with cheap looking frames.
3. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: Colourful Plastic Chairs

Unless you have toddlers or preschools in the house, there's just no way to justify plastic chairs, especially the ubiquitous Neelkamal chairs lurking in every Indian household. Honestly, no hate to the brand, the Neelkamal chairs are sturdy, last pretty much a life time and bang for the buck. But there's what. They belong outdoors - in a balcony, terrace or an outdoor event, not inside a house.
There's barely a 10-20% price difference between a Neelkamal chair and a nice wooden or even metallic one so why get the former and instantly ruin the little aesthetics the house may have? Here's a few furniture ideas for a small house that also work well for furniture on a budget.
4. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: Polyester curtains

I'm not sure when Polyester curtains were ever in trend, but somehow you'd be hard pressed to find a house without them now. (In fact you can see them in pretty much every house featured here.) What about their shiny, cheap appearance, their loud colours and horrid prints make them appealing that they adorn most Indian homes, I do not get. It might take a little more searching and a bit more money, but curtains in natural fabrics like Cotton, Linen, Khadi or even Jute are so much more pleasing to the eye and give classy and tasteful. And while we're at it, can we please get rid of curtains with those horrible steel eyelets and opt for loops or concealed eyelets at the back instead?
5. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: LED ceiling lights

Home owners who spend a pretty penny on stuffing their ceilings with PoP patterns and then install the colourful RBG lights, I have news for you. Those belong in a disco or children's theme park, not a home. Now this is something a tenant can hardly do anything about, but if you're a home owner about to start interiors for your flat, please do not install these horribly tacky colourful LED lights on ceilings. (or anywhere else really.) There's nothing warm or inviting about a house with too many colourful LED lights and wall panels. Instead opt for warm recessed lamps, floor length lamps in the corners, and if possible, allow more natural light to flow in.
6. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: Painted bottles
Ah DIY home decor and sustainability, cute right? NOT.
Painting former booze bottles (or worse shampoo and detergent bottles) is okay for a one-off art and craft afternoon when you have nothing else to do and some paint to waste, but considering painted bottles a legit and permanent home decor system screams tacky. Especially if they're not done well or don't go with any particular colour theme. And they're not as environmentally friendly as you think. A bottle which could've been otherwise cleaned up and reused is now going to be wasted with a layer of toxic paint on it and go into the trash without any recycling scope eventually either way. Please do not think that using (toxic) acrylic paints on any disposable household item which would've been otherwise trashed is sustainable in the least.
7. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: Plants in a bottle
Talking of painted bottles, there's another one that we have gone hard on. Plants in a bottle. Look the idea of sticking a twig in water so that it roots and can eventually be transplanted is great. But a money plant kept permanently in an old glass bottle, especially one with its sticker still on, is a huge home decor faux pas. You can always invest in a succulent or indoor plant, but putting a money plant branch in an otherwise classy living or bedroom just screams lack of effort and taste.
8. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: Artificial flowers

Talking of plants, can you think of an Indian home that doesn't have a flower pot with a bouquet of artificial flowers inside it? In fact the louder the flowers, even louder the pot holding it. I know I grew up in homes that were full of fake flowers-- in a pot, hanging from curtains, lying in bowls, and what not, not to mention the one inch layer of dust on them since it was nearly impossible to get into the crevices to clean them.
Artificial plants are such a travesty especially because it's much cheaper to have real plants that not only look better but actually clean up your air.
If you already have artificial plants or flowers in your house, go and conceal them along with your real plants and flowers in the garden or use as festive decor or stage backgrounds or something.
9. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: Wall decals/ stickers

We loved our superhero and barbie stickers when we were kids. But using stickers or "decals" on walls as adults is just plain unsightly. And heaven forbid when you have to remove those and face the horrible marks they leave on the walls. Just please invest in a bigger art frame or a wall paper instead of peppering colourful stickers on walls. Here's a few ideas for doing wall art on a budget none of which involve stickers or decals.
10. Outdated And Tacky Home Decor Trends: Contrast coloured cabinet and wardrobe doors

If there's one Indian interior trend which I've never wrapped my head around, it's the "contrast kitchen cabinets" or wardrobe doors. Just who in their right minds thought that it's a good idea to have a barbie pink and blank colour alternate on kitchen cabinets? TBH, I wouldn't be able to sleep in a room or work in a kitchen that implemented this torture tactic and it's the reason why I was forced to paint over my wardrobe in a house I used to rent a while back.
Did you agree with all of them? What's your home decor pet peeve? Share in the comments.